
  • How To Repair Small Holes In Your Car

    Small chips in your car paint are inevitable. They are usually harmless and hardly visible. However, over time they can lead to more serious problems if the hole starts to rust and corrode. This can lead to the deterioration of the metal. This is why it is very important to fix even the smallest paint chips as soon as you notice them. You can hire a professional, or you can fix the chips on your own if you have the right tools. [Read More]

  • 3 Ways To Fix Hail Damage On Your Car

    If you were driving in a hailstorm or your car was parked outside while it was hailing, you might find several small dents or holes in the car. Larger dents need a professional, but if the damage is minor, you should be able to fix it yourself. Find Direct Sunlight The first way you can try removing the hail damage from your car is by looking for direct sunlight. If you are in the middle of winter, this might be difficult. [Read More]

  • 3 Ways To Deal With RV Delamination

    Do you have a crack in one of the side panels of your RV? Was it the result of an accident or some other kind of hard collision? Even tiny cracks in paneling can be dangerous because they can lead to an issue called delamination. Delamination is the separation of the exterior fiberglass panel from the interior foam structure. RV walls typically have a foam interior sandwiched by the interior and exterior walls. [Read More]