How To Prevent Rust On Deep Auto Body Scratches

Posted on: 26 August 2019

If you live near salt water or in an area that still utilizes road salt during snowstorms, then car body damage that has left behind damaged paint is a major concern. While a dent is unattractive, rust can be devastating. Once rust begins to form in a scratch or dent, it can spread to the rest of the metal. Eventually, the oxidation and rust eat away at the body panel on your car until it is weak and full of holes. The following are two things that you must do to minimize the chances for rust to form until you are able to have a proper repair completed by an auto body repair shop.

#1: Get it clean

Dirt and grime inside a scratch or dent will trap and hold moisture, which then speeds up the oxidation and rusting process. To prevent this from occurring, you must get all the dirt out of the scratch. wash the area gently with a mild detergent and water. Use a paintbrush or a soft bristle toothbrush to gently scrub the dirt out of the scratch, then rinse the area thoroughly. Although you can towel the area dry, keep in mind that any moisture that remains can result in rust. While a towel will absorb most moisture, some may remain trapped in the scratch. Instead, consider using a hairdryer to thoroughly dry out the scratch.

#2: Keep the moisture out

Now that it's clean and dry, you need to keep the moisture out. The simplest way to achieve this is by using something to fill the scratch. You can purchase small jars of automotive clear coat for the job, although clear fingernail polish can also work in a pinch. The goal is to fill the scratch in with the clear coat so moisture can no longer collect. Further, this ensures that there is no longer any exposed metal to rust. These methods work best if it is going to be a while before you can get the scratch properly repaired. If you plan to get it repaired within a week or two, instead of using a clear coat you may just want to park the car under cover and take steps to dry it after wet weather. When you take your car in for a proper repair, they will need to sand down the area where you did the temporary repair and then they will repaint it.

Contact an auto body shop in your area like High Point Body & Paint for more information on what to do when your car has a deep scratch.
