3 Common Issues You Might Deal With On Your Crane

Posted on: 25 February 2016

Cranes are a large piece of machinery that need to be properly maintained to prevent causing anyone injury who might be in the vicinity of the machine. But, how can you tell when your crane needs to be maintained and when it is in proper operating condition? Here are three common problems that cranes can have and what you can do to correct them and prevent anyone from being injured.


One of the main problems that often goes unnoticed is corrosion. Rust starts out in a small patch and continues to grow in size as time wears on. However, even a small amount of rust can be detrimental to the machinery. Rust can cause components to end up dropping their load because they don't have the same amount of strength they once did. This could end up causing serious injury or even death to someone who might be in the near vicinity of the crane on the job site.

Bent hooks

While a hook is meant to be bent, they aren't meant to be bent out of shape. They are designed to hold onto a certain amount of weight. Each hook has a recommended weight limit based on the type of crane and manufacturer specifications. If the weight isn't applied to the hook correctly or too much weight is put on the hook, it can end up bending it out of shape and compromising its ability to do its job correctly. This can increase the likelihood of the hook breaking off down the road when another load is applied to it.

Dry ropes

The elements outside can end up wreaking havoc on the ropes on your crane. To prevent the ropes from cracking and breaking, you need to have someone come in and perform regular maintenance on them. Whether you need to have the ropes replaced or just oiled, you want to make sure that they are in good working order at all times. Spend a few minutes looking over your ropes. If they appear frayed and otherwise worn, you don't want to wait around for them to get worse.

By taking care of the three things above, you can make sure your crane is safe and secure at all times. This way no one is going to end up injured on the job site and you aren't going to lose out on precious materials from the crane dropping the load. For more information, consider contacting a professional like those at Florida TRUCK & Trailer CO.  
