How To Easily And Inexpensively Remove Rust From A Truck Frame

Posted on: 23 September 2015

The repair of a damaged truck frame requires several steps in the process, but one of the most important is eliminating rust. Without being completely removed, rust will eventually weaken or destroy a truck's frame. Fortunately, removing this rust is not difficult; it only requires the use of a few basic, household chemicals and a couple of other tools. Below is what you need and how to accomplish the process:

Tools and materials needed

  • Wire cup brush

  • Electric drill

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Distilled water

  • Baking soda

  • Measuring cup

  • Paint brush

  • Wooden spoon

  • Spun plastic fiber pad

  • Eye protection

Step-by-step procedure

1. Remove rust manually - Before applying a chemical treatment to the rusted frame, you will need to remove as much rust possible using an electric drill and wire cup brush. Put on a pair of safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying wire fragments and rust particles, and slowly move the rotating brush over the surface of the frame. Don't expect for all the rust to be removed with the brush and drill; however, the more you can eliminate in this step, the more successful your chemical treatment of the rust.

2. Mix the rust removal solution - In a 2-cup capacity measuring cup, add 1/4-cup of baking soda and slowly fill the remainder with distilled white vinegar. The solution will bubble and fizz, so be careful not to pour the vinegar too quickly. Once you have added the vinegar, use a wooden spoon to stir the mixture together. It will continue to bubble as the baking soda dissolves, but keep stirring until the solution is clear.

3. Apply the rust removal solution - After mixing the solution, use an inexpensive paintbrush to apply it to the rust spots on the frame. Work the solution into the rusty areas to be sure it obtains good coverage. After you have applied the solution, allow the frame to sit for 24 hours to permit the solution time to chemically convert the rust to an inert state.

4. Remove the solution and inert byproducts - Once the frame has sat for 24 hours, soak a spun plastic fiber pad with distilled water and scrub the areas of the frame where you applied the solution. The scrubbing will remove the dried rust removal solution from the frame and also clean the frame for painting.

If there is still rust on the frame after scrubbing with the pad, you will need to reapply rust removal solution as outlined in step 3. Allow it to soak into the frame and dry for another 24 hours before removing with the pad and distilled water. You can repeat this process as often as necessary to remove all rust from the frame.

For more information, contact Central Body Co Inc. or a similar company.
